Time to Buy one of the largest Land sites in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

Time to Buy one of the largest Land sites in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

Wyalusing Commons 8 Acres of land ready for you to purchase. 601 South Beaumont Road Prairie Due Chien, WI 53821. An offering by River To Valley Initiatives


Time to buy Lot 4 3.82 Acres (166,526 Sq, ft.) Lot 4 $178,000)



601 Beaumont Road Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin 53821

Lot 4 is 3.82 Acres priced at $178,000, perfect for your office overlooking the Mississippi River

Contact JD Milburn jdmilburn50@gmail.com or Julia Henley 608-792-9994 jdhenley11@gmail.com

